Aloha to our Ohana,
The sun finally shined through the clouds this afternoon following two days of record rain that caused flooding and power outages. In line with the improved weather, Theresa showed an inclination for performing better during today's OT/PT session. Not only was Theresa able to maintain her balance in a seated position with both feet on the floor and only minor adjustments by the therapists, but she also lifted her right arm and lower leg to the required level for five reps. The left leg's movement is coming along slower and with less controlled motion from the knee on down however Theresa's left arm refuses to move although her fingers do flex on command.
This has become a source of frustration for Theresa these last two days as she uses her right arm to bat away anyone attempting to perform range of motion on her left arm. It would seem the same sense of determination that got her into and through medical school, 36-hour resident shifts, and being slammed with dozens of extra patients when the other physician isn't available, is asserting itself into her healing journey. Since Theresa can already move her fingers, it is only a matter of time, therapy and faith before she regains use of that arm. Please join me in praying that our Lord will ease Theresa's mind and comfort her with the reassurance that all will be well.
Even with the rain yesterday, there were some moments of joy for Theresa and those in the room. The pulmonologist came by to check if Theresa's trach tube could be downsized (to allow her to speak and swallow) but decided against it for now as Theresa is not showing any concerted efforts to speak. Instead, the order was given to switch the trach collar to regular room air from 28% O2 mix to see if Theresa's blood oxygen dropped from its unsurpassed 100% level. Well, after 36 hours on room air, her blood O2 is still at or near 100% as Theresa continues to receive God's healing breath.
The other excitement yesterday was a visit by Karen, a rehab nurse consultant from the Big Island that Theresa knew from her work at the clinic. Most recently, we saw Karen at a Kona Brain Injury Support Group meeting where the guest speaker was Theresa's favorite neuropsychologist, Dr. McNamara. For this visit, Karen brought a card and donations from the support group along with a beautiful teddy bear clothed in the hula kahiko style and named Hoku Li'ili'i, or little star of her halau (hula dance group.) Theresa was so enamored by this gift and by Karen's upbeat attitude that she started to shake her legs and swing her arm like she was performing the hula in bed. That brought a tear of joy to about everyone in the room and Theresa repeated the performance when the OT/PT therapists returned that afternoon. We are most thankful to our Heavenly Father for these signs that Theresa is doing so well under His care.
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