How You Can Help

This page is for members of the community who would like to offer help and support to Dr. Theresa Wang and her husband, David Chen.  On July 30, 2011, after 8 1/2 months away, Dr. Wang returned to a wonderful welcome and we look forward to her ongoing healing at home in Waikoloa.  She will continue with rehabilitation therapy for her various injuries and will be heading to Honolulu on a regular basis to see medical specialists.  If there is something specific you would like to do, or would like to be contacted once we have a clearer understanding of their needs, please leave a comment below and we will get in touch with you. Thank you.

Gifts of Time

Theresa and David are residents of the Big Island. Theresa is now home resting & recuperating with the assistance of a homecare provider.  Help may be needed with errands and tasks, cooked meals, and rides to and from the airport.  You can also send Theresa and David note cards and words of encouragement, and please always keep them in your thoughts and prayers:

Dr. Theresa Wang
PO Box 385463
Waikoloa, HI 96738

Gifts of Monetary Support

If you are unable to contribute time and/or would like to make a monetary gift, you can do so by using the PayPal donate button or by clicking here. You can also make donations directly to a special savings account set up at First Hawaiian Bank, "Friends of Dr. Theresa Wang." The funds will be used to help with homecare expenses, airfare and to defray the mounting medical bills. We are grateful for any support you are able to offer.

Visiting Dr. Wang

We welcome all friends to visit Theresa however please phone or e-mail ahead of time.  She has a busy schedule with rehabilitation therapies and medical appointments throughout the week.  Your prayers and good wishes are greatly appreciated, so please feel free to sent a note of support to the address above. Thank you!


  1. Dear Terri and David,

    All our prayers and blessings are with you.
    It is wonderful to hear of your daily improvement!

    Aloha Pumehana,
    Wendy R. Cook

  2. Dear Terri and David,
    I am a QMC employee and I have been following your story since the day of the accident. I was visiting the Big Island and had arrived a 8 AM and traveled down the same road as Terri that same morning.

    I regret not meeting Terri while she was at QMC, but I wanted to respect her privacy.

    Please know that you and your family have been in my prayers daily.


  3. Thank you David for sharing this ordeal with the rest of the world. Your blogs/comments were so positive & heart warming! I am glad to hear that you and your wife are on your way to truly enjoy what life has to offer! Your wisdom, patience and kindness has certainly helped this world not lose faith in humanity. May the Lord bless you for being that angel to your wife and to others!

  4. My second attempt...

    Hi Terri and David,

    I find you guys faith inspirational. Terri's strength and endurance are amazing. You guys are in my prayers. I hope to meet you both in person some day.

    Take care and God Bless,

